Stan Stanton leaves Pittsburgh and becomes a
financial advisor in New York. He marries a sex
maniac, Fran Tone, who gives him a fortieth
birthday present that he will never forget, a mystery
adventure at Frankenstein’s Castle....
Enter the primitive atmosphere of the Chibchas
Indians from the jungles of the Amazon forest, and
learn why they had to resort to crime for self
preservation. Stealing a priceless 16th century gold
and emerald idol,...
Stan Stanton and partner Sandra Hawkins receive
an assignment from Lloyds Insurance of London to
investigate why two prominent heads of an
international development corporation have met
violent deaths under the strangest...
How is it possible that the most valued painting in
history, the Mona Lisa, could have been stolen,
destroyed and reconstructed in this erotic
adventure? The answer is here in an international
exposé you’ll want to read several...
The Father of Sandra, Stan Stanton’s partner, is
held for ransom in Mexico. Revolutionists assume
he will bring in mega “dineros” to fight against the
Mexican government. In a daring rescue, Stan
and Sandra play the role of Catholic
Cigarettes saturated with liquid cocaine wreak
havoc amongst youngsters throughout Europe
and the Middle East. It takes Stan Stanton and
his partner, with the help of British Scotland Yard,
to find the source...
This stimulating adventure mystery takes Stan
Stanton from Havana, Cuba to Tanzania, Africa,
then back to Havana to resolve, with the help of
the United States Marines at Guantanamo Bay, a
biological germ threat to the U.S. mainland ...
In Italy, Stan Stanton and partner are guests
aboard the exotic Orient Express Rail Train en
route from Genoa to Bern, Switzerland, where
they witness a gunfire capture of a Saudi Arabian
prince by terrorists...