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Mysteries with pulse-stimulating
excitement and laughter.
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How is it possible that the most valued painting in history, the Mona Lisa, could have
been stolen, destroyed and reconstructed in this erotic adventure? The answer is here
in an international exposé you’ll want to read several times over so as to enjoy Stan
Stanton at his cleverest. He lays before you his cool approach to a challenge and
illustrates his analytical resolution. The resolution he arrives at is hidden under a
blanket of intrigue, sexual opportunity and humor.
As private insurance investigators, hired by Lloyds Insurance of London, Stan Stanton
and his lovable partner, Sandra Hawkins, are asked to determine the validity of a
double indemnity claim in the little village of Donlorning Place, Scotland. Little do they
realize that the case would evolve around extremists willing to commit murder for their
ideals of freedom. As part of a unique plan for an exorbitant ransom, the radicals, led
by Ben Maheny, steal the Mona Lisa while it’s en route to the Tate Britain Gallery on
loan. Unfortunate for all concerned, the radicals accidentally destroyed the painting in
an explosion.
Stanton, as a representative of Scotland Yard, along with a high ranking staff member
at Lloyds, offer theft condolences and try to soothe Monsieur Jean-Louis, curator at the
Louvre Museum in Paris, France. After endless threats, barely short of an international
war, the curator drops Stan into the hands of his breath-taking assistant Mimi de
Margot. As her responsibility, Stan tours the museum, has a fabulous night of dinner
and dancing, and closes the evening in her apartment.
But the plot thickens when Stan returns to London and uncovers strange clues that tie the death in Donlorning Place to the
stealing of the Mona Lisa painting. With the help of Colonel Banister’s secret agents at Scotland Yard, Stan and Sandra
subdue Ben Maheny and his extremists group, and expose the Louvre curator as an art world fraud who sent a fake painting
to Britain, for personal and monetary gains.
“Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa,” is indeed an upscale story of today that will satisfy the most elite of mystery and adventure seekers.
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Page last updated: January 27, 2017
Stan Stanton title grey divider
Publisher: Authorhouse 
ISBN: 9781434383402 (paperback)
ISBN: 9781434383419 (hardcover)
Genre: - Mystery/Action - Adventure - Adult
One of the Stan Stanton Thriller Series
Price: $11.90 paperback, $16.30 Dust-jacket Hardcover
You may order the above versions of this title direct from the
publisher above. Some versions of the title are available also
from various on-line retailers. See the “Order” page for a list of
retailers and other important information if ordering direct from
the author.
grey divider Mona Lisa Mystery book cover
A Hard cover, Soft Cover, Comb Bound and E-Book version of
this book is available directly from the author. All books
ordered this way will be autographed and can be personally
inscribed with a message if you include the message with the
Author Autographed Versions
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