The bizarre happenings that Stan Stanton and his partner encounter on an assignment
from Lloyds Insurance are enough to make anyone think that there are curses placed on
those who disturb the resting places of the ancient pharaohs.
Tactics of the strangest type, are used by extortionists as Stan and Sandra experience
unbelievable fear. A striking cobra in a bazaar causes Sandra to faint, and Stan gets a
warning of greater danger on its way. As states in Chapter Two:
Sandra turned her head around to discover, staring into her eyes, a cobra snake hissing
and spitting juices no more than 4 inches away from her face. The vendor, stuffing his
reptile into a basket apologized for the occurrence and over a praying hand gesture,
stressed, “I milked him this morning and he cannot hurt anyone until another day. If you
wish, I will allow you to pet him …
It was then, Stan heard a stranger whisper, “Mr. Stanton, don’t you realize what dangers
and curses lurk for Americans here in Cairo?”
The overriding fear continues when they are returning with Ali, their taxi driver, from a
security inspection of the Suez Canal.
“I’m sorry for the blowout of your tire, Ali. We must have driven over something in the
Inspecting the tire more closely, Ali said, “The tire didn’t blow out, a bullet punctured it.”
Then there is the time when Sandra finds a dozen small scorpions, nestled in a pile, under the covers of her bed.
They both experience the ultimate fear when they find themselves stranded in the desert without water and protection from the
punishing sun. Sandra, near exhaustion asks if they can stop and rest, and Stan responds,
“Where are we going to rest, partner, on the hot sand? And should we pray for a taxi to pass by before the buzzards start
circling in hopes of a late dinner?”
Through the fears, hardships and mysterious happenings, how will Stan and Sandra play the cards they are dealt?
Don’t miss this exciting new adventure!
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