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Heart-warming Collections of
Christmas Stories...
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Page last updated: January 27, 2017
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Bursting with humanisms, humor, and a passion for life, the Christmas Classics short
stories will shine light on the fact that we are all of one family here on this earth.
Regardless of your faith, you will find these stories gripping and you will want to share their
contents of tenderness with those closest to you. The Christmas Classics deliver the
pleasure we want to feel during the holidays and throughout the year.
Enjoy your reading, have your tissues ready for tears of joy and may mega happenings be
yours as you turn the pages.
Short Stories Include:
“The Treasure Chest”: The secrets concealed in a grandmother’s past are revealed in a
scary encounter with the unknown.
“Mom’s Last Christmas Card”: How losing a Christmas card was responsible in finding life’s
greatest gift, a friend.
“A Hero’s Last Sonata”: By ringing the cathedral bells, a child prodigy sacrifices his future
for sake of his country.
“Lost and Found”: A lost puppy finds its way into your heart after the true owner, through
sacrifice, disclaims her.
“There Won’t Be Any Visitors Today”: Through thick and thin, there’s no stopping our kin.
Publisher: Authorhouse 
Language: English
ISBN: 1-4208-4957-3 (paperback) $12.25
ISBN: 1-4208-4956-5 (Dust-jacket hardcover) $21.00
You may order the above version of this title direct from the
publisher. The title is available also from other various on-line
retailers. See the “Order” page for a list of retailers and other
important information if ordering direct from the author.
A Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Comb Bound and E-Book version
of this book is available directly from the author. All books
ordered this way will be autographed and can be personally
inscribed with a message if you include the message with the
Author Autographed Versions
To Order E-Book:
Christmas Classics Book Cover