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Mysteries with pulse-stimulating
excitement and laughter.
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When a member of our own family faces grave danger, there is no limit to the desperate
measures we would resort. So it was that Stan Stanton and his partner, Sandra
Hawkins, reacted to the situation when they received word that Sandra’s father, Bob
Hawkins was being held for ransom by revolutionists in Mexico. Since he is a high-
ranking claims administrator at Lloyds Insurance, his captors felt he would invariably
bring a large ransom amount to finance their radical cause.
In the city of Taxco, Mexico, Father Arturo at the local cathedral was able to pass-on to
Stan a lead as to where the revolutionist’s headquarters was located. Since any
foreigner’s attempt at penetrating the area would only provide another hostage, the
good father passed on a suggestion, as noted in Chapter Four …
“But I do know that the Chiapas people are very religious. Now, if someone wearing the
Lord’s cloth, such as a priest or missionary were to venture into their territory, they
would without question be welcomed as messengers of God. Need I say more? Oh, and
if I might add, all padres carry along a “stole,” the ribbon around their necks, in case we
are called upon to hear confession. As has been said, if you’re going to play the part,
dress the part.” 
So Father John (Stan) and Sister Mary (Sandra), in an old pick-up truck, enter Mexico
from Guatemala, as missionaries accepting confessions and spreading the Lord’s word
in an attempt to rescue Bob Hawkins (who during the rescue becomes Father Dominic).
Stan’s plan began with a masquerade deception as described in Chapter Nine …
“Bob, here is your frock, put it on and don’t worry if it isn’t a perfect fit. Sandra is going to put that ugly blue make-up on you
and will powder your almost gray hair. In the meantime, I have to prepare your resting place, at least for the next couple
hours.” I guess at this point Bob didn’t mind anything even if it meant covering his body with cow dung, as long as he was free
of his captives and he was heading home. If he only knew what was required of him in the next few hours, he may have
preferred taking his chances with the revolutionists or the cow dung.
Therefore, with the assistance of explosive diversifications, the purple-blue make-up, and a casket, Bob is transported out of
the grasps of the revolutionists, then out of Mexico and brought back to freedom.
Stan and Sandra, disprove an old proverbial phrase, “You can fool all the people all the time,” by returning Bob through two
countries and several thousand miles back to London.
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Page last updated: January 27, 2017
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