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Mysteries with pulse-stimulating
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Enter the primitive atmosphere of the Chibchas Indians from the jungles of the Amazon
forest, and learn why they had to resort to crime for self preservation.
Stealing a priceless 16th century gold and emerald idol, the 'Cacique,' from the Museo
de Oro, in Bolivia, Columbia, was the Indians last gasp for recognition and survival in a
world corrupt with drugs and artificial progression.
You will be amused, amazed, and impressed with Stan Stanton, at the risk of his own
life, comes to the rescue of the artifact and a previous lover left to the sexual pleasure
of drug lords. He proves that simple down to earth "Pittsburgh, PA, know how," can iron
out a lot of wrinkles in a troubled society.
Join the parade of excitement, sensual exposure, and political manipulation, as you
march down the streets of international adventure.
This is Stan Stanton at his best, as a likeable, loveable, witty, and unforgettable guy
who will capture your exciting desire to be part of the 'Cacique' adventure."
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Page last updated: January 27, 2017
Stan Stanton title grey divider
Publisher: Authorhouse 
ISBN: 9781410761170 (paperback)
ISBN: 9781410761163 (hardcover)
Genre: - Mystery/Action - Adventure - Adult
One of the Stan Stanton Thriller Series
Price: $12.50 paperback, $22.00 Dust-jacket Hardcover
Electronic Book - $4.95
ISBN: 9781410761187
You may order any version of this title direct from the publisher
above. Some versions of the title are available also from various
on-line retailers. See the “Order” page for a list of retailers and
other important information if ordering direct from the author.
grey divider grey divider Cacique cover
A Hard cover, Soft Cover, Comb Bound and E-Book version of
this book is available directly from the author. All books ordered
this way will be autographed and can be personally inscribed
with a message if you include the message with the order.
Chief Guiarey then sent a runner to summon the man with the wooden box. After explaining the anticipated trade, the native was
elated. Guiarey said the man was pleased because he will be able to give the bracelet to please his wife.
In the bottom of the newly acquired box, I placed leaves and soft underbrush. Then I carefully laid four sticks of dynamite along with a
detonator. Before I set the timer I had to ask Chief Guiarey a couple more questions.
“Chief, what time is sunset in this part of the country?”
“Approximately six fifteen and the sky is dark one half hour later. But, why is that important?”
“I figure that since there are no lights on the field where the drug dealer’s airplane has to takeoff, it must be done as close to twilight as
possible. Once the plane is in the air, they have to fly under the cover of darkness to avoid government observation. So, if I set the
timer for six-thirty, I’ll know the airplane will be away from the Yagua village, but still over the jungle area when it explodes.”
Carefully I placed the timer and additional greenery to fill the box. With some wire that came with the box, I sealed it shut. As everyone
watched me, they all had the same questionable look on their faces. Asking
Silently, “Now, what are you going to do with the box?” I certainly didn’t want to leave anyone confused.
“Chief, would you please ask the man who we made the trade with, if he would like to earn the second bracelet that Sandra has? All he
would have to do is sneak this box onto the pile of other boxes being loaded aboard Diablo Pequeno’s plane.”
A brief discussion between Chief Guiarey and the native concluded with a smile on both their faces.
Chief Guiarey looked at me triumphantly saying, “He is willing to do what you ask gladly, because he will be able to give the second
bracelet to his very jealous other wife.
“Don’t be surprised, Senorita Sandra. Here in the jungle, and among our people, polygamy is an acceptable practice. How many men
do you think we have to go around?
Looking surprisingly at Chief Guiarey, I couldn’t help asking, “Chief, tell us how many wives do you have?”
Author Autographed Versions
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