The Secret Journey exemplifies that imaginations run free with unforgettable
Teenager, Kansas, and his younger sister, Montana, are painting and mending fence
posts and rails out on a far point of their parent’s ranch, when they encounter an alien
force that carries them off into outer space.
They discovered that they were captives because they possess something the
transparent aliens want: Shadows. The alien leader Sasnak explains, “Because we
are of the clearness of matter, you cannot see us. Our world is made up of a
substance which appears to you as glass and allows light and sight to pass through
without you or anything seeing or detecting our presence.”
Thinking a shadow was a supernatural power, the alien was receptive to Kansas’s
bargain: he’ll give the alien the ability to make a shadow if the alien will return him and
his sister back to earth.
Trickery prevails, and Kansas and his sister return to their farm with a memory few
will ever believe, leaving the experience forever a secret journey.
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