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Heart-warming Collections of
Christmas Stories...
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Page last updated: January 27, 2017
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The Heartwarming Christmas Collection has been a constant read for people of all ages and
the reason is simple – the stories are powerful, timeless, and sentimental. Master storyteller
Arley Koran has spiritually blended wisdom insight and virtue within each heartfelt story. He
reminds us all of the importance of family unity and the significance of goodwill towards all
You will treasure this collection for your comfort and fulfillment each and every time you read
them. We are confident, and guarantee, that you will want to share this book and its
message with your family and friends. Short Stories Include:
“God Bless You”: The magic of snowfall and thunder is the significance of “God Bless You.”
“The Magic of a Twinkle”: A fable of a fallen star decides the faith of an ancient kingdom.
“So It Is Written”: As an ancient Middle East fable, this story speaks of a magical starfish
with ability to fulfill dreams.
“The Miracle of Mont Blanc”: A most unusual story emerges after WW I as the defense of a
monastery turns out to be a miracle.
“Going Home”: WW II Nazi cruelty is transgressed by a canary.
“Angel’s Nest”: A family finds togetherness during a snowstorm.
“Santa’s Wish”: Having a family turns a life around into a breath of new hope.
Publisher: Authorhouse 
Language: English
ISBN: 1-4107-8143-7 (paperback) $12.50
ISBN: 1-4107-8144-5 (Dust-jacket hardcover) $22.00
You may order the above version of this title direct from the
publisher. The title is available also from other various on-line
retailers. See the “Order” page for a list of retailers and other
important information if ordering direct from the author.
A Hard Cover, Soft Cover, Comb Bound and E-Book version
of this book is available directly from the author. All books
ordered this way will be autographed and can be personally
inscribed with a message if you include the message with the
Author Autographed Versions
To Order E-Book:
Heartwarming Christmas Collection Book Cover